I sift and I see
images of what was
memories of what will never be
would it even matter
if they ever were
time has passed
Posted by Denise Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 12:12 AM
I sift and I see
images of what was
memories of what will never be
would it even matter
if they ever were
time has passed
Posted by Denise Friday, October 16, 2009 at 11:37 PM
To hear myself
I need you to shut up
TO listen to Him
I need to shut up
To say anything
I need silence
To move forward
I need to stop
The more I listen
the less I hear
Your voice is hiding
Posted by Denise at 11:35 PM
Death & Destruction
brings forth life and renewal
Sunshine and flowers
eventually leave
Though there is sunshine
there is still death
Through the destruction
the flowers bloom
Posted by Denise at 11:25 PM
The further away I stay
the less you can say
the harder it is for you to do
the less you say
the less confused I am
Push away, grow for me
Stay close and the fire burns
To be me and hear you
is like apples growing on an orange tree
When i hear you, I can't be me
*This was written at a choir concert at WIU - prolly 2004 or 2005 *
Posted by Denise at 11:17 PM
No idea where this is from...
Deep inside
the monster lurks
sucking in the outside world
pulling it deep in my bones
my flesh wishes to reject
push it out
fight against
waiting for light to break threw
Posted by Denise at 11:11 PM
Not sure when this was written or where it came from
How many lies can you feed me?
how much longer will I listen?
Forgive others as Christ forgives you
I feel like I must prove myself,
are you even work the effort?
my heart is an explosion
It's been stretched apart too many times
you say you don't trust
but you're full of shit
forgive others as Christ forgives you
I want to walk away
leave you with the mess you made
but i can't
i care too much
my frustration builds
can I help you carry your burdens
if you keep pushing me away?
Just like you, I'm only human, yet
forgive others as Christ forgives you
Posted by Denise at 10:51 PM
So I was cleaning threw my closet and I found this piece of paper that I had written on while listening to a friend of mine play at school - I'm not really sure where some of it was going - but there might be something for me to work with in here....
Tear away
Peel the pain
Fight the hurt
Building brewing
Fighting to see tomorrow
Dividing the darkness
Never to be found
Praying to see light
Punch the pain away
Never again to feel
Never again
Never more
Love hurts more than hate
No more hiding
no more bottling
flowing out
pouring down
with no where to go
no way to keep it in
No desire to hold back
Tired of being your yo-yo
Tired of being tossed aside
Tired of not mattering to you
They told me to stay away but why?
How can something appear to be right
and be so wrong?
It only makes me want to be closer
and play with fire
Fire with burn
but I love pain
Posted by Denise Tuesday, July 7, 2009 at 8:10 PM
Rushing back so quickly
The sun was shinning
The day was bright
One cloud came
And darkness fell
Waiting for the cloud to pass
Soaking up the darkness
Slowly it begins to move
But nothing seems to change
Saturated in the darkness
Even though the sun is shinning
This day will never be the same
all because one cloud came
Posted by Denise Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 9:52 AM
Like floating in space
at ease
Feeling nothing
not peace
Wanting more
oh please
This is to be named and added to later, I know there's more but I can't feel it right now
Posted by Denise Monday, April 6, 2009 at 12:09 AM
Once again I found myself sitting in the dark
Searching for the light, to guide me out this tunnel
the light was looking for me
In the stillness of my darkest night, it found me
So familiar, so clear
Reminding me that it had always been there
Waiting for me to be still
Hoping I would see it glistening and turn towards it
I don't like this one just yet but I don't know what to do with it either
Posted by Denise Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 11:26 PM
When I said it meant nothing
I meant something
Months of pent up emotions
Exploded into a moment
I hoped to leave something behind
A trail to follow back
Longing to travel it again some day
Hoping to hold on
Now there truly is nothing there
Behind me is only darkness
I left no trail
For you, it meant nothing
Posted by Denise Saturday, January 31, 2009 at 10:10 PM
Burning deep
the world I don't have
heavy laying
the world I don't want
piercing through
the world I know
hoping the burning
lightens the load
destroying the pain
this world does show
Posted by Denise Sunday, January 11, 2009 at 7:21 PM
Another hole in my heart
longing to be filled
the possibilities are endless
my choices are few
Removing much
to make room for you
scared to let go
terrified of holding on
knowing for certain
only You can fill me
Once again I ask You
show me that You are all
with your love so amazing