12-26-08 perspective

You have a way
of changing my perspective
that no one can ever duplicate

My safety net is gone
you have left me no choice
but to look to you

To show me that your hands hold me
your hands guide me
your hands will never let me fall

Your hands have always held me
I have never needed my safety net
I've only needed to trust you

And always you will be there
holding, loving, supporting
I'll never need anything else


12-23-08 words

your words are like daggers
piercing my soul
ripping a part all that I am

As though you are pulling me down
making me feel your pain
hoping I'm never happy

You push away my words
and throw them back at me
words have lost their meaning

go ahead, my friend,
pierce me all you'd like
these wounds are not deep

Time will pass
I will rebuild
stronger than I am

*I'm not sold on this title*

12-18-08 Hunger


why do I crave what I can't have
want what's not good for me
long to have it now
hurt when someone else has it
feel responsible for the damage

Inside the hole is growing
this hunger needs to stop
what is it hungry for
How should I feed it

Nothing ever goes away
time doesn't always help
Inside are always memories
reminding me of what I can't have


12-14-08 So close and yet so far

sparks in the air
The passion is rising
I long for your embrace

Your touch eases the pains
the warmth of you next to me
brings comfort for weeks

I leave always wanting more
desiring for moments to never end
yearning for one more hour

Never did I imagine
I'd be writing this to you

Our time had past
the ship had sailed
our pieces were astrew

yet here we stand,
together again
loving every moment

the pieces come together
my heart leaps for joy
but only for a moment

For in that moment
I glimpse at the pieces
they all fit together
but now where has the picture gone?
